by marci madary I used to be a poet. I am not sure anymore. The part of me that lived in the land of metaphor and verse has been invaded...

Nothing and Everything
mm Nothing is what it seems anymore. The world is slipperier these days. More unstable. Less solid. Predictions feel pointless. Plans...

Learning Slowly
I have often underestimated the gift of slowness - ignoring it in a rush, casting it aside when in a hurry. Overly attuned to calendars,...

Caterpillar Stew
Living in the unknown is more comfortable as an idea than it is a reality. When we find ourselves in the in-between, we cannot help but...

Painfully White
Privilege. Privileges. Privileged. Sounds almost like it can be earned, like I did something – deserved. So seductive, this fallacy. Then...

My refrigerator is full, my cupboards far from bare. Is that enough? I have sheets for my bed, a pillow for my head. Is that enough? I...

Be Coming
Eyes gently closed. Hands on lap. Feet on floor. Breathe in. Breathe out. Morning light warms my prayer. A buzzing buzzes my ear. My eye...

Easter Morning
Crimson splatters on white robes, protein and plasma: essence of life, thick with the stench of death. Violence touches his skin, his...

Sapiential (relating to wisdom)
Since the first dawn, Wisdom awakened as Queen, ancient as time and veiled in mystery. All tried to keep her in sight but often had to...