Painfully White
Privilege. Privileges. Privileged. Sounds almost like it can be earned, like I did something – deserved. So seductive, this fallacy. Then...

What is silly to some is serious to others. What is life-threatening is life-saving for another. What is prudent and wise is foolish in...

My refrigerator is full, my cupboards far from bare. Is that enough? I have sheets for my bed, a pillow for my head. Is that enough? I...

Five Years
In your dream you landed in a grassy meadow: green, lush and verdant. Searching and finally finding. Arriving in a perfect place, content...

Be Coming
Eyes gently closed. Hands on lap. Feet on floor. Breathe in. Breathe out. Morning light warms my prayer. A buzzing buzzes my ear. My eye...

Easter Morning
Crimson splatters on white robes, protein and plasma: essence of life, thick with the stench of death. Violence touches his skin, his...

Red, newborn fists hold together crumpled buds at the ends of patient tree limbs. Magically, they will relax open into smooth, emerald...

Reflecting on COVID 19
My plane landed on Friday, March 13 at noon, only a week after my husband and I had left our home. But the place we arrived felt vastly...

The Silly Side
You like the world to take you seriously, so you are often serious. Not stern or harsh, but not goofy either. More quiet, thoughtful....

Sapiential (relating to wisdom)
Since the first dawn, Wisdom awakened as Queen, ancient as time and veiled in mystery. All tried to keep her in sight but often had to...