The Silly Side

You like the world to take you seriously,
so you are often serious.
Not stern or harsh, but not goofy either.
More quiet, thoughtful. Reflective.
When the door locks
us in for the night,
a different side of you finds
its way to the surface:
the skeptically raised eyebrows
the perfectly timed quips
the sound effects
the hip waggles
the playful pranks and gentle teasing
the bad jokes that you find hilarious
and I laugh only because you are funnier than the punchline
the over-exaggeration; the drama.
I love it all.
A part of me is sad that most others
don’t get to hear
your full-throated,
open-mouthed laugh.
And yet, I am thankful
for the privilege of seeing your sly smile
and knowing the silly in you
is reserved just for me.