"Same Drama, Different Day"
Was my response when a friend
asked about work.
Some moments it feels like
a little progress;
then the mud oozes underfoot
and all I can do is keep my balance
while sliding backward.
Weary as I spin in the same struggle.
In hopes of restoration,
I took a walk in the woods
and came out with a bite from a serious spider.
Slowing my pace rather than lifting my spirit.
It all seems too familiar.

Are we destined to live
our personal soap opera?
Big emotions and repeated dialogue.
With plotlines so circular, a viewer can skip a week
of episodes without missing a beat.
Like the guy who rants
slight variations of the same theme
at every encounter.
It took over a month to heal
the massive bite
on the back of my leg.
But heal, it did, with care and medication and time.
What is needed to move out
of the rut that leaves
the car in the ditch?
What changes the channel?
Something more than just time.
Photo by Martin Martz on Unsplash